Pooja Arshanapally Pooja Arshanapally

Are Your Social Media Posts Actually Converting? A Simple System That Delivered 347 Resources in Just 14 Posts

I used to think social media success was about creating more content. Post after post, graphic after graphic—surely something would eventually stick.

My clients felt the same frustration. They'd create valuable resources that disappeared into the algorithm, never reaching the people who needed them most.

Then I met Tracy, an ADHD Coach with a mission I couldn't ignore. She had created incredible resources for people who couldn't afford 1:1 coaching—website guides, podcast episodes, email content, and her book "ADHD for Smart Ass Women." But all of it was getting lost in the social media void.

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Pooja Arshanapally Pooja Arshanapally

How to Turn Your Book Into A Business Asset ft. Debbie Jenkins

Welcome to The Content Repurposer, the podcast that helps authors, thought leaders and content creators maximize their impact by repurposing their content. Join host Pooja Arshanapally as we explore strategies to streamline your marketing efforts and reach a wider audience. In this episode, we welcome Debbie Jenkins, a publishing strategist who helps consultants, coaches, and expert business owners turn their ideas into books that solve expensive, urgent problems. Unlike others in the industry, she doesn't take a cut of profits—and ensures books aren't just shelf clutter but real assets for growing businesses. Through her company, Intellectual Perspective Press, she has helped numerous experts create impactful publications. You'll discover: How to stop writing books nobody reads and selling books nobody buysEssential qualities of a good bookStrategic approaches to business-focused publishing

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Pooja Arshanapally Pooja Arshanapally

How Brandon Sanderson Turned His Books Into a Successful Business Model

In this episode, we dive deep into the strategies and insights that have allowed Brandon Sanderson to not only write bestselling novels but also build a thriving business around his literary works. Here's what you can expect:
• The importance of community engagement in building a loyal fanbase
• How to leverage crowdfunding to fund ambitious writing projects
• Effective ways to diversify your income streams as an author

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Pooja Arshanapally Pooja Arshanapally

How to Turn Promotional Products Into an Income Stream ft Chelsie Tamms

In this episode, we dive deep into innovative strategies for artists and small business owners to maximize their impact through creative branding and marketing. Here's what you can expect:

• How to leverage stickers as a powerful promotional tool and revenue stream• Best practices for first-time collaborations with designers• Tips on creating custom branding packages that truly resonate with your audience

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Pooja Arshanapally Pooja Arshanapally

How to Optimize Your Amazon Author Page ft. Katie Sadler

In this episode, we welcome Katie Sadler, a marketing expert with over 15 years of experience working with authors. First through her roles at Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, and Hachette, and now through her own author marketing business.

Katie helps authors develop sustainable marketing plans tailored to their unique needs.

You'll discover:

  • Key strategies for launching your book successfully

  • Tips for redoing a launch when things don’t go as planned

  • Essential elements for creating a strong Amazon author page

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Pooja Arshanapally Pooja Arshanapally

How to Humanize Your Author Brand with Girl Louie ft. Sarah Shelton

We're thrilled to welcome Sarah Shelton, founder of Girl Louie, a brand marketing agency specializing in storytelling. Sarah shares her journey of creating a unique brand identity and offers actionable advice on how authors can apply storytelling techniques to their marketing efforts.

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Pooja Arshanapally Pooja Arshanapally

How Daniel Priestley Turned His Books Into a Content Ecosystem

In this episode, we dive into the world of Daniel Priestley, a successful entrepreneur, international speaker, and best-selling author who has masterfully transformed his books into a comprehensive ecosystem of educational programs, courses, and software solutions.

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Pooja Arshanapally Pooja Arshanapally

What Every New Author Needs to Know About a Book Launch - ft Lauren Erikson

Meet Lauren Erickson.

She is a #1 Amazon bestselling author, as well as book and marketing strategist for nonfiction writers and authorpreneurs.

She has experience as a book launcher for an Inc. 5000 agency where she helped market Amazon and Wall Street Journal bestselling books for executives, thought leaders, and more.

Lauren also creates educational content on YouTube to equip aspiring authors with the skills and insight they need to successfully navigate the book business.

In this episode she discusses

- the importance steps for a book launch

- how to brand yourself as an author

- how to navigate the book business

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