3 Reasons Why You Should Content Repurpose for the New Year

The start of a new year often brings with a rush of motivation to create the pursue our ambitious goals. If you been slacking on your content game, and want a restart for the next, we have a strategy for you, content repurposing.

Why repurpose content?

Well, first creating content is time-consuming. When you repurposing content you are not starting from stratch. Because content repurposing is the art of giving old ideas new life. It is the practice of taking an idea and changing the format so it can extend it’s reach. Here are 3 reasons why should consider repurposing your content for the new year.

  1. Time and Effort Effciency: There is no short cut when it comes to creating high quality content. When you are repurposing content you are not reinventing the wheel everytime. Instead you building upon what you already have. You can easily take your book and convert into a speech.

  2. Catering to Diverse preferences: People consume content in different ways. Therefore if you change the format you are extending to a bigger audience without having to change much of the content. For example, people have their own preference when it comes to reading a book. Some people prefer audio, some prefer kindle and others may prefer the physical book. When you give your audience more options, you will extend the reach and engage a broader audience who is interested in your offer.

  3. Maximizing ROI: Content creation requires a significant amount of time, money and resources. Especially when it comes to inbound marketing you have to play the long game when it comes getting people to invest in your services. But by repacking and reusing your existing content for multiple mediums, you can extend it’s reach. Do you have any content that performed well last year? Well now is your chance to take it and make it something new!

Need some more guidance on how to get started. Tune into The Content Repurposer podcast, where you get practical steps on how to repurpose your content so you don’t have to start from scratch!


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